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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS);faqs.408
Western Europe is generally more tolerant, especially of top-free bathing.
Areas in public parks are specifically set aside for the purpose of CO
In light of all this, you've got to believe that naturism has much to
offer if its participants brave legal and physical barriers to partake.
Try it, you'll like it!
3b. Isn't nudity sinful?
Plenty of naturists find no contradiction with their religious beliefs,
Christian or otherwise -- in the US, The Naturist Society has a Special
Interest Group called "All-Together Christians". The perceived danger
is that it leads the weak to sexual temptation. Naturists just want
Puritanical evangelists to not make judgements that affect their lifestyle.
4. Won't I offend someone?
"Offense"...the age old question (intent v. action).
Offense is in the mind of the beholder, true. But, legal questions turn
on intent; actions by themselves do not imply that offense will
automatically follow.
If a man intentionally exposes himself to the proverbial little old lady,
there is clear intent to do harm; the man knew that he would elicit a
negative response from the little old lady and intended to do so by his
However, if a group of people are skinny dipping and have demonstrated a
concern for others by either trekking to a remote area or using a tradi-
tional or designated (managed) area, then there is clearly no intent to do
This is why naturists continue to press for management rather than
banishment; naturists would get the same treatment as other taxpayers
and complainers need no longer complain.
5. What is the difference between a naturist and a nudist?
Some people will tell you nothing. Some people will spell out the
difference in great detail. There is little difference in the two terms
as espoused by the American Sunbathing Association and The Naturist
Society, the U.S.'s two largest CO organizations. Americans have been
arguing the point since at least the 1930s, while Europeans seem to have
little problem using the terms interchangeably. Most "naturists" feel a
closeness with the outdoors and are sometimes termed "beach people". Most
"nudists" tend to participate in social nudity via resorts, camps, and
other similar settings, and they tend to practice social nudity for its
own sake. "Naturists" tend to be more active in their pursuit making sure
that clothing-optional recreation is always available.
NOTE: Some naturists/nudists do not participate in social nudity, and
some do not have or desire to have any "political" associations with
organized naturist/nudist groups. Some people who espouse naturist/nudist
philosophy don't like the labels.
NOTE: Not everyone who goes to a "nude beach" or "nudist resort" espouses
nudist/naturist philosopy or ideals -- just as sitting in a hen house
doesn't necessarily make you a chicken, sitting on a nude beach does not
make one a nudist.
6. What if I (a male) get an erection?
Most males get erections. Now for the news: these natural occurrences in
most cases are periodic and predictable. Erections occur periodically
during sleep and as the result of internal stimuli (slam a cup of coffee
and wait...).
They also occur naturally as the result of external stimuli meeting
particular notions of sexuality. Since each male has different criteria
for being aroused, it is difficult to assert that this erection was caused
by that stimulus.
This problem occurs far less frequently you might think. Nude recreation
is just not that much of a sexual situation for most participants.
As in any social setting, the Golden Rule applies. If you get an erection
at a nude beach or other social nude setting, you and the group you are
with are the best judges as to whether or not it is appropriate. Naturists
generally yield a bit of elbow room to avoid making you feel uncomfortable;
you should use your judgement to avoid making them feel uncomfortable. If
necessary, take a swim or roll over for a short while. In any case, just
use common sense and be considerate.
7. But doesn't nudity equate with sexuality?
This hot potato receives much discussion. Many naturists believe that the
connection arises artificially in a society where many people see the
opposite sex nude only in sexual situations. Suffice it to say that the
practice of naturism and the pursuit of naturist values and philosophy
allows one to place sexuality into its natural perspective.
8. Does one go naked all the time?
No. That's why the term "clothing-optional" exists. Clothing has its
purposes - warmth and protection. Many naturists feel more comfortable
wearing some clothing while participating in active sports and there are
some activities that require one to wear protective clothing while par-
ticipating in them. But many activities - swimming, especially - can be
much more comfortable and enjoyable without the confinement of clothing.
NOTE: As stated earlier, wise use of sunscreens is advocated, as is the
use of hats, and yes, even T-Shirts to shade/cover yourself to keep from
getting too much sun.
9. I just had surgery and have a scar. What will people think?
Naturists preach body acceptance. Being nude means having nothing to hide.
There is no perfect body and naturists come in ALL shapes, sizes, ages, and
| colors. Some have scars from surgery, some use wheel-chairs, some are
| overweight, some are too thin, some have tatoos and other body adornments,
| and some are "handicapped" by being "normal" :-).
10. Where can I find a CO beach/resort near me?
| This question is always welcome in REC.NUDE. Richard Mathews' Beach
| FAQs and Part II of this FAQ give some directions and some sources for
finding out some of this information, but the readers of REC.NUDE are
generally pretty willing to give the latest information, also. Remember,
when writing to a naturist/nudist club/resort for information, enclose
enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope for the reply.
11. What should I take with me when I visit a nude beach or resort?
Take a wide-brim hat, sunscreen, two towels (one to sit on), sandals,
sunglasses, and water to drink. It is also a good idea to have something
to read, something to eat and something to play with (like a volleyball or
frisbee or your tennis racquet).
12. I would like to participate in REC.NUDE, but am afraid to post. Is there
an anonymous posting service?
Yes and no. Most REC.NUDE participants feel that a full anonymous posting
service is not needed and would cause more problems than it is worth.
There is nothing wrong with nude recreation and one should not be afraid
to post to REC.NUDE.
That being said, there is the fact that some people are close-minded and
some people may be hassled for posting here -- some may lose jobs. To
allow these people to post messages, the following people have volunteered
to accept e-mail and repost the messages to REC.NUDE. All the "couriers"
reserve the right to edit and/or reject postings they deem inappropriate.
Richard.Mathews@West.Sun.COM (Richard M. Mathews)
middleto@poincare.ucsd.edu (Tom Middleton )
arnett@unixg.ubc.ca (Bill Arnett)
steve@rtfm.mlb.fl.us (Steve Pierce)
This information is a compilation of the FAQ that existed before I took over,
material gleaned from nudist/naturist publications and of course, mail and
postings from REC.NUDE.
Corrections, additions, postive comments/critisisms and updates should be
addressed to:
See also the periodic postings concerning organized naturist and nudist groups
and other information. These will usually go out monthly at the middle of the
month and are set to expire when the next batch is due out.
Relax and enjoy, naturally!
Steve Pierce Palm Bay
steve@rtfm.mlb.fl.us Florida
Space Coast Naturists, PO Box 560086, Rockledge, FL 32956-0086
Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu rec.nude:14285 news.answers:4295
Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!mintaka.lcs.mit.edu!ogicse!uwm.edu!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!darwin.sura.net!mlb.semi.harris.com!rtfm.mlb.fl.us!steve
From: steve@rtfm.mlb.fl.us (Steve Pierce)
Newsgroups: rec.nude,news.answers
Subject: REC.NUDE Frequently Asked Questions, Part II of II
Summary: Information on CO organization, publications, etc.
Posted monthly on the 1st of each month.
Message-ID: <nudefq2_9212010000@rtfm.mlb.fl.us>
Date: 1 Dec 92 03:07:30 GMT
Article-I.D.: rtfm.nudefq2_9212010000
Expires: Fri, 1 Jan 1993 05:00:00 GMT
References: <nudefq1_9212010000@rtfm.mlb.fl.us>
Followup-To: poster
Organization: We don't need no stinkin' batches!
Lines: 387
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Supersedes: <nudefq2_9211010000@rtfm.mlb.fl.us>
Archive-name: nude-faq/part2
Version: 2.3
Last-modified: 1992/11/30
Additions marked by + in column 1. Corrections marked by | in column 1.
Frequently Asked Questions on REC.NUDE - Part II of II
Curious to know if there's a beach, swimming hole, campground, club,
or resort near you where you can enjoy nature naturally?
Here's a list to help you get started...
A. The U.S.A.
The ASA is the premier organization of American nudist resorts and facilitates
lobbying and education efforts, while TNS serves as a publishing organization
emphasizing fair use of beaches and other public lands. There are hundreds
of local clubs, camps, and resorts too numerous to list here.
The American Sunbathing Association (ASA)
1703 N. Main St., Suite E
Kissimee FL 34744-9988
(800) 879-6833 Membership Information
(407) 933-2064
(407) 933-7577 FAX
The Naturist Society represents many of the "free beachers" and grew out of
that phase of the nudist/naturist movement in America. The Naturist Action
Committee, in conjunction with TNS, works with officials to increase public
acceptance and opportunities for clothing-optional recreation.
The Naturist Society (TNS)
and the Naturist Action Committee (NAC)
PO Box 132
Oshkosh WI 54902
(414) 426-5009
(414) 231-9977 FAX
There is also one other national group, The National Nudist Council.
The National Nudist Council of the Americas
Rt 1, Box 34
Sprakers, NY 12166
B. Canada
Many Canadian clubs are ASA clubs. However, Canada has two national movements
(one English, one French) and is the only country in the world to have two
INF (International Naturist Federation) member groups because of this.
Federation of Canadian Naturists (FCN) Federation Quebecoise de Naturisme
PO Box 186 4545, av. Pierre-de-Coubertin
Islington, Ontario C.P. 1000 Succarsale "M"
Canada M9A 4X2 Montreal, Quebec
Canada H1V 3R2
(514) 252-3014 (or 3000)
C. Other Countries
Central Council for British Naturism (CCBN)
Assurance House
35-41 Hazelwood Road
Northhampton NN1 1LL UK
Telephone (within UK) 0604 20361
(from abroad) +44 604 20361
Australia: The Australian Nudist Federation
The Secretary, ANF,
P.O. Box 268,
ACT 2617
There are many, many countries with national organizations. For
information on your country write to the:
International Naturist Information Center
PO Box 2082
2800 BE Gouda, Netherlands
A. Guidebooks
The North American Guide to Nude Recreation: A guide to all ASA members camps,
resorts and non-landed clubs. $18.95 ($16.95 for ASA members) + $3 shipping
from the ASA. Floridans add sales tax. 200 pgs, 8 1/2 x 11, soft cover.
World Guide to Nude Beaches & Recreation, by Lee Baxandall: A Naturist Society
publication covering the USA and 80 other countries. $21.95 + 3 shipping in
US (Outside US, by surface mail, $5 or by air, $10) from TNS.
INF World Handbook - 1990 - 1991 Edition - 847 page guide containing
information on naturist sites, clubs, and beaches around the world.
$18.95 + $3 shipping from the ASA or TNS.
NUDISK - Computer Disk Listing of Naturist Areas of US East Coast.
Mac 3.5", IBM 3.5" and 5.25". Disk only $14.95.
Printout, $18.95. Both, only $26.95
Printouts for Florida & Georgia, South Carolina to New York, or New
England, only $6.95 ea. Post Paid (specify area when ordering).
Written from a guest's-eye viewpoint, no punches pulled, by permanent
nudists, The N & N Nomads. Send $US to: Camilla Van Sickle
PO Box 1418U
Sarasota, FL 34230
The American Naturist Hypertext Guide - a hypertext guide of naturist and
nudist contacts in the United States. 131 naturist and nudist contacts
are listed in the Shareware Version which provides names, addresses, phone
numbers, type of contact, membership information, affiliations with national
associations, and newsletter tile and publisting period. The retail version
($15.00) contains 495 entries and includes groups, Special Interest Groups
SIGS), hotels, apartments, etc. Available as shareware on many BBSs as
ANHG92.ZIP or ANHG92.SND (Software Distribution Network, .PAK compressed
In addition to organizations, this 2nd edition includes an introductory
section on social nudity, advice for the first-timers, recommended
publications, complete help section on using hypertext, and how to contact
naturists and nudists listed in the guide.
Requirements : IBM compatible computer, 58k RAM, any monitor (MONO, CGA, EGA,
VGA). MS-DOS 2.1 or higher. Web-Man Publications, P.O. Box 60562U,
Sacramento, CA 95860-0562
There are several hot springs guides that may be useful, as well as guides
for specific areas (California beaches, etc.).
FCN publishes a Canadian Guide for $10.75 US or $11.00 Canadian. (Can someone
give more info on this guidebook?).
Some European guides (sorry no prices on some of them -- maybe someone can
fill me in and I will post it next go around?):
L'Officiel du Littoral Nudiste - French beaches only. Tells you where it
is official, where it is tolerated, and where they impose fines.
Written in French, with maps and access instructions.
Editions Symbiose, 23, Rue Tronchet 75008 Paris.
FKK Reisefuhrer - All over Europe. Beaches and inland. All in German.
Contains some very beautiful photography. ISBN 3-87261-061-9.
Gloss + Co Verlagsgesellschaft, Postfach 50 03 44, D-2000 Hamburg 50,
Free Sun - All over Europe. In English. Sketch maps and terse
descriptions (sometimes hard to follow). ISBN 0-906677-07-6.
Also Inland Free Sun, inland sites only, ISBN 0268-0998.
| Availabe from CCBN (see above).
Naturist Guide, Holiday Centres in France, Spain and Greece - Published
by La Vie au Soleil/Vivre Nu Magazine. In English and in French; very good
coverage of France, but probably most useful for camping sites rather than
holiday centres with only cottages. Price 50 FRF. EDIBUL, BP 21, F-84570
Mormoiron, France. Tel +33--90-61-93-04; Fax +33--90-62-88-33.
Bare Facts, A Guide to Austrlia's Nude and Dress Optional Clubs, Resorts
and Beaches. Published by Australian Sun & Health. Good descriptions of
most clubs and resorts, with contact details. Beaches well covered, with
directions and most descriptions accurate. Price A$10, US$12 (air),
US$9 (sea).
These periodicals give you updates on what is going on in the world of
The Bulletin: Published by the ASA for its members. A monthly (except for
January) newspaper. Contains organizational business updates, club news,
and other topics of interest to members. Single copy price - $2.75.
Subscription available with ASA membership.
Nude & Natural (formerly Clothed with the Sun): A quarterly magazine,
included in Naturist Society ($30 **) membership. Provides information
about the Naturist movement on a national level. May be subscribed to
separately for $25. Single copies $8 + $3 shipping/handling per order.
** Memberships OUTSIDE US: $40 surface, or with air delivery, $50.
Subscriptions without membership, deduct $5. US funds only.
UBFREE: Monthly Nudists Review. For more details, send SASE to:
UBFREE, PO Box 38031, Houston, TX 77238
Naturally (formerly called The Event): Quarterly magazine, $18/year.
Naturally, PO Box 203-A, Pequannock, NJ 07440.
Bare In Mind/Beachhead: Monthly, newspaper format, $23/year 2nd class,
$28/year 1st class. Bare In Mind, PO Box 368, Perris, CA 92370.
Hot Springs Gazette: A light-hearted travel guide for the hot spring
enthusiast. Covers mostly western US. Four quarterly issues, $15 US.
Hot Springs Gazette, 12 S. Benton G3, Helena MT 59601.
Going Natural: Canada's National Naturist Magazine, A quarterly report on
naturist resorts, beaches, travel, events, and all aspects of the naturist
lifestyle. Subscription rate - $30.00 Canadian ($25.00 US). See address
for FCN above.
British Naturism: A quarterly journal of the British naturist movement.
Contains information on France, Spain, Holland, and Africa, too. Sample
copy, $5. Year, $12 by sea mail, $20 air mail. CCBN, Assurance House,
35-41 Hazelwood Rd., Northampton, NN1-1L1, England.
Australian Sun & Health: A glossy color magazine published quarterly with
lots of photos & information about the nude and dress optional clubs, beaches
& resorts in Australia and overseas. Australian Sun & Health, P.O. Box 5601,
Mail Centre, GOLD COAST 4217, Australia.
1992 Subscription Rates
Sea Mail Econ Air Mail
USA US $22 US $32
Canada Can $25 Can $36
United Kingdom UK #11 UK #18
New Zealand NZ $27 NZ #34
Personal Cheques accepted from the above countries. Note Sea Mail can take
up to 13 weeks for delivery.
Some info on some naturist videos (taken straight from an ad in Nude &
Going Skinny Dipping
The seventh documentary travels to the beautiful island of Bonaire
in the Netherlands Antilles. An update on Cap D'Agde. The Western
Naturist Gathering at Silver Valley and Lupin in CA. Fire walking,
the Theatre Group of Frank Moore, Hot Springs, and much more. The
first naturist camp in West Berlin. An update to Paradise Lakes, FL.
A nude cruise on the Ocean Spirit with nude casino, wedding at sea,
games, parties, and fun for all. $49.95 - 60 min.
Natural Summer
Takes an in-depth look at the many aspects of clothing optional
recreation throughout the US. Miami's Palms Hotel, offers a nude
rooftop for sunbathing as well as topfree bathing by the pool and
their beach, and upon request, nude health spa. Cypress Cove, near
Disney World, Orlando, FL, one of the most popular and luxurious
nudist resorts in the US. The Ledges in Vermont, unique rock forma-
tions and majestic lake. Lake Travis, TX where the city of Austin
has accepted nude recreation. Nude Halloween Party, East Coast
Gathering, packed with activities including The Nudelywed Game, Gong
Show, photography, body painting, massage workshops, nude skydiving,
art show and more. $49.95 - 60 min.
Companion Video to _Lee Baxandall's World Guide_ - $31.95.
NOTE: Above videos in American format only!
All prices in US dollars. Shipping & Handling in US, $3; to Canada, $8 US.
Anywhere else, $12 US per order. To: The Naturist Store
P.O. Box 132, Oshkosh, WI 54902
Other videos can be purchased from ASA, TNS, and others that highlight nude
resorts and beaches, as well as introduce the nudist/naturist lifestyle.
Several resorts have videos about their facilities (Cypress Cove is one
such resort). ASA and TNS both have introductory vides. See above
publications for advertisements.
Besides USENET's REC.NUDE, there is:
CO DIGEST -- John Hendry, owner
This list is distributed weekday afternoons between 4:00 and
5:00 pm Central Daylight time, or around midnight GMT.
Contributions are welcome. Please e-mail your contributions
Please try to limit contributions to one per day, and only
40 lines. The editor and owner of the list reserves the
right to edit any and all mailings to and from this list.
Online Naturist's Club
% Michael Corbin
5332 Inglewood Rd.
Lynchburg, VA 24503
DELPHI (computer dial)
At the USERNAME prompt, type JOINDELPHI
At the PASSWORD prompt, type CUSTOM13
Once online, type GO GROUPS CUSTOM 13 and follow instructions
Assistance: Phone (voice) Delphi: 1-800-544-4005
ONC: 1-800-788-9613
Prodigy Naturists
| Prodigy relocated the nudist/naturist sections to the new
| HOBBIES Bulletin Board under the topic heading: OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES.
| As with the old location, it is appropriate to prefix the subject line
| of postings with "NUDE".
On Compuserve, at the prompt type GO HSX100. Section 12, Naturists
Lifestyles is the section to look for.
On Genie, the Public Forum, Page 545, in Category 9, Topic 12 is an on-going
discussion of nude recreation/lifestyle. The California Round-Table, Page
1065 has several topics of interest to naturist/nudists:
Category 2 - California Lifestyles and Attitudes
Topic 6 - Beaches and Tanning
Category 11 - The Laid Back Enquirer
Topic 3 - What do you do nude?
Category 16 - Sports, Health & Adventure in California!
Topic 5 - To TAN or not to TAN?
Topic 6 - Nude beaches, hot springs, & resorts
The Florida Round-Table, Page 195 has Category 4 - Florida Lifestyles,
Topic 4 - Nude Beaches - Nudity Laws in Florida.
California RT, CAT 11, Topic 3 and CAT 16, Topic 6 are the most active.
On America-Online, in the Lifestyles & Interests Department there is
"The Exchange" which includes an "Other Special Interests" forum with two
folders called "Nudist & Naturist" and "Nudism". Not a lot of activity.
The Skinny-Dipper's Hotline -
Being restructured - check here for updates. DO NOT CALL UNTIL THEN!
NCN HotLine - (703) 241-BARE - Club updates, events, and info.
New additions: Question & Answer section and a Comment Line
for free-for-all discussions. Be the first to post anything!
Bedroom BBS - Section sponsored by Kansans for a Naturist Society.
Popular modem speeds, 24 hours, 3 ports, (816) 637-4183.
Western Connection BBS - Arizona Naturists Roundtable. Call and sign up
then request access to this roundtable from sysop or "MusicMan".
(602) 881-8283.
Mid Ohio Bulletin Board (M.O.B.B). Tom Rothe, Sysop. (419) 756-4958.
300-2400, 24 Hours. Sign up with the sysop for the nudist conference.
International Nudists - International BBS at (902) 742-3399
2-lines 24 hrs/day; set software at n-8-1
Sailor's Source Naturists - Sailor's Source BBS at (704) 687-1887
It is free, runs 24 hrs per day, and supports all baud rates to 9600.
In addition to boating/sailing stuff, they also have
personals, Naturism, Straight/Bi/Gay/Lesbian conferences.
INACOMP BBS - (218) 879-1979. Duluth, MN. Has nudist/naturist area, but it was just started about 2 weeks or so
is fairly new. Sysop is GodKing. Leave e-mail telling him who you are.
Bare Facts BBS - (619) 461-9603. San Diego. Sysop is Terry LeBlanc.
SCANIN - Southern California Area Nudist Information Network.
(619) 627-9193. Sysop is Mark Smith. Fledgling BBS.
+ Camp Midnight! - 614-875-0677 - Ohio. This BBS includes a naturist
+ section that is being set-up along with The Buckeye Naturists.
+ ??? - (902) 374-3399. East Coast. BBS with many Lifestyle Conferences,
+ including a Nudism one. Exchange views, provide info and meet others.
+ Free 3 week courtesy subscription - no obligation. 24 hrs/day 2-lines
+ 300-14,400 8-n-1. "Drop in" and say hello.
+ North West Nudist's BBS (206) 485-6141. From the BBS's purpose statement:
+ "This board is to promote nudism/naturism in all of it's varied forms. It
+ is intended for both children and adults, so please keep this in mind when
+ you post here."
+ Friends! - (718) 592-1095 - New York City - A conversation-oriented one-line
+ BBS. Might have naturist conference. The board is available 24 hours a day.
+ There are no fees required.
Any more Local BBS's with a nudist/naturist bent? Glen Martin
(glen@bnr.ca) is looking into the setting up something akin to REC.NUDE
in the FIDO network of BBS's. Drop him a line! (And let me know so I
can update this list here!)
I have heard about a net called U'NInet/US; they have a Naturist conference
going. Call your favorite BBS!
The above information is far from comprehensive (but hopefully correct)! It is
a compilation of material provide from the FAQ that existed before I took over,
material gleaned from nudist/naturist publications and of course, from mail and
postings here in REC.NUDE and other computer network groups.
I make no guarantees of quality or usefulness. I do not represent any of the
above organizations or companies and receive no monetary reward for posting
this information.
Send updates, corrections, and positive comments/critcisms to:
Relax and enjoy, naturally!
Steve Pierce Palm Bay
steve@rtfm.mlb.fl.us Florida
Space Coast Naturists, PO Box 560086, Rockledge, FL 32956-0086
Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu comp.lang.objective-c:1012 news.answers:4555
Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!spool.mu.edu!olivea!sun-barr!cs.utexas.edu!bcm!aio!fdr!shirley
From: shirley@fdr.uucp (Bill Shirley [CSC])
Newsgroups: comp.lang.objective-c,news.answers
Subject: Objective-C Classes/Libraries Available - FAQ
Summary: A listing of Objective-C Class Libraries freely available,
bundled with other packages, or purchasable from 3rd parties.
Message-ID: <objc-classes_724237201@fdr.jsc.nasa.edu>
Date: 13 Dec 92 09:00:49 GMT
Expires: 26 Jan 1993 09:00:01 GMT
References: <objc_724237201@fdr.jsc.nasa.edu>
Sender: news@aio.jsc.nasa.gov (USENET News System)
Followup-To: comp.lang.objective-c
Organization: nasa-jsc
Lines: 519
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Supersedes: <objc-classes_721077644@fdr.jsc.nasa.edu>
Archive-name: Objective-C/classes
Last-modified: 1992/08/18
Version: 1.0
Objective C
A matter of Class
A (very incomplete) listing of available Objective-C classes
Stepstone Classes/Libraries
GNU Distributed Classes
Public Domain Classes
NeXT Distributed Classes
NeXT 3rd Party Classes
*Class* == Not a part of that kit
Stepstone Classes/Libraries
Bundled with the compiler is ICpak 101 - Foundation Class Library
(20 classes, more than 300 methods)
Object object - the runtime 'root' object'
Array array - an abstract class
IdArray id array - array of objects
IntArray integer array
AsciiFiler ASCII filer - an automatic I/O object
Cltn collection - an abstract class
OrdCltn ordered collection
Stack LIFO collection
Set Set collection - no duplicate members
Dictionary associations - a la symbol tables
BalNode balanced node - support for binary trees
SortCltn sorted collection
String string - null terminated ASCII sequence
Point point - 2D coordinate
Rectangle rectangle - 2D region
Assoc association - key/value pairs support for dictionaries
IPSequence in-place sequence - for sequencing through cltn